
Airbare.com是一個全新的旅行社機票格價平台,提供多元化的選擇予客人作旅遊規劃。Airbare.com 目標是令訂購機票更省時及讓遊客更有效率地規劃旅程。遊客可以於Airbare.com 得到不同旅遊靈感、透過我們從供應商訂購最優惠機票及以特惠價格預訂旅遊產品。

Airbare.com is a brand new travel search site that provide wide range of choices in trip planning. All we want to do is to make flights booking less time-consuming and allow travelers planning trips more efficiently. Travelers are inspired to plan and book air-tickets at best prices from our partners, also booking travel products at favorable prices.